1973 Washington Post – Husbands lovers and the Free Male going beyond masculinity

The Warren Farrell Media Archive
After failing this audition for the Bee Gees, Cleveland’s Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame told me to keep my day job: “Just keep trying to get men and women to understand each other: you’ll be employed forever.” Seriously, this is from a 1979 feature in Cleveland’s the Plain Dealer. Photo by Clarence H. Copeland.”
Once upon a time, there was no beard. Just a curl. In 1972, while I was on the Board of NOW in NYC, I chaired its “Task Force on the Masculine Mystique,” and organized at NYU what may have been the first men’s liberation conference. My former wife, Ursie, posed with me for a UPI story by Patricia McCormick. Photo by UPI.
When the White House created only a White House Council on Women and Girls in 2009, it left out the other half of the family: Boys and Men. Dr. Warren Farrell organized national leaders into a coalition to create a White House Council on Boys and Men. On April 26, 2015, members went to Iowa and spoke personally with seven of the Republican presidential candidates to invite them to a conference in Iowa this July to listen to boys, parents and experts explain the boy crisis and consider a White House Council on Boys and Men as a coordinator of solutions. Here Farrell discusses with Rand Paul the importance of fathers as a way to strengthen the family and reduce “government-as-a-substitute-dad”. A few minutes later, Paul spoke with 1700 Republicans at the Faith and Freedom Coalition and stressed the importance of fathers.